For me, my interest in computers started with a fascination for video games. As a kid, I spent a lot of time playing games, exploring virtual worlds, and never imagined that one day I could have my own space on the internet. As I progressed through university, I began studying core subjects like operating systems, computer networks, and computer architecture, and continued to dive deeper into this vast field through practical learning.
After discovering static blogs, I realized that I could create my own website. So, I started working on it: finding a suitable template, purchasing a server and domain, dealing with the registration process, configuring the domain and certificates, optimizing the setup, and eventually building this blog.
With this blog, on one hand, I want to document my thought process and how I solve problems, as I believe these are valuable experiences. Some knowledge can fade over time, so recording it helps me review and reinforces my understanding. On the other hand, I also want to use this blog to track my personal growth and learning journey, so that I can look back and see what I was working towards at different stages. Ultimately, creating this blog fulfills a small goal I’ve had as a computer science student.
Azure VPS(2025/7/10)