Spectre Attack Lab
最近更新:2024-07-02   |   字数总计:5.2k   |   阅读估时:18分钟   |   阅读量:
  1. Spectre Attack Lab
    1. 实验内容
      1. Task1&2. Side Channel Attacks via CPU Caches
        1. Task1. Reading from Cache versus from Memory
        2. Task2. Using Cache as a Side Channel
      2. Task3. Out-of-Order Execution and Branch Prediction
        1. Out-Of-Order Execution
        2. The Experiment
        3. Task3
      3. Task4. The Spectre Attack
        1. The Setup for the Experiment
        2. The Program Used in the Experiment
      4. Task5. Improve the Attack Accuracy
      5. Task6. Steal the Entire Secret String