DNS Attack Lab
最近更新:2024-07-02   |   字数总计:6.2k   |   阅读估时:22分钟   |   阅读量:
  1. DNS Attack Lab
  2. 实验内容
    1. Local DNS Attack Lab
      1. Lab Environment Setup Task
        1. Testing the DNS Setup
          1. Get the IP address of ns.attacker32.com
          2. Get the IP address of www.example.com
      2. The Attack Tasks
        1. Task1. Directly Spoofing Response to User
        2. Task2. DNS Cache Poisoning Attack - Spoofing Answers
        3. Task3. Spoofing NS Records
        4. Task4. Spoofing NS Records For Another Domain
        5. Task5. Spoofing Records in the Additional Section
    2. The Kaminsky Attack Lab
      1. Lab Environment Setup Task
      2. The Attack Tasks
        1. Task1. How Kaminsky Attack Works
        2. Construct DNS request
        3. Task3. Spoof DNS Replies
        4. Task4. Launch the Kaminsky Attack
        5. Task5. Result Verification