MD5 Collision Lab
最近更新:2024-08-26   |   字数总计:4.2k   |   阅读估时:20分钟   |   阅读量:
  1. MD5 Collision Lab
    1. 实验内容
      1. Task1: Generating Two Different Files with the Same MD5 Hash
        1. Question 1. If the length of your prefix file is not multiple of 64, what is going to happen?
        2. Question 2. Create a prefix file with exactly 64 bytes, and run the collision tool again, and see what happens.
        3. Question 3. Are the data (128 bytes) generated by md5collgen completely different for the two output files? Please identify all the bytes that are different.
      2. Task 2: Understanding MD5’s Property
      3. Task 3: Generating Two Executable Files with the Same MD5 Hash
      4. Task 4: Making the Two Programs Behave Differently