JSON web tokens (JWTs) are a standardized format for sending cryptographically signed JSON data between systems. They can theoretically contain any kind of data, but are most commonly used to send information (“claims”) about users as part of authentication, session handling, and access control mechanisms.
Unlike with classic session tokens, all of the data that a server needs is stored client-side within the JWT itself. This makes JWTs a popular choice for highly distributed websites where users need to interact seamlessly with multiple back-end servers.
A JWT consists of 3 parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. These are each separated by a dot, as shown in the following example:
1 | eyJraWQiOiI5MTM2ZGRiMy1jYjBhLTRhMTktYTA3ZS1lYWRmNWE0NGM4YjUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwb3J0c3dpZ2dlciIsImV4cCI6MTY0ODAzNzE2NCwibmFtZSI6IkNhcmxvcyBNb250b3lhIiwic3ViIjoiY2FybG9zIiwicm9sZSI6ImJsb2dfYXV0aG9yIiwiZW1haWwiOiJjYXJsb3NAY2FybG9zLW1vbnRveWEubmV0IiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SYZBPIBg2CRjXAJ8vCER0LA_ENjII1JakvNQoP-Hw6GG1zfl4JyngsZReIfqRvIAEi5L4HV0q7_9qGhQZvy9ZdxEJbwTxRs_6Lb-fZTDpW6lKYNdMyjw45_alSCZ1fypsMWz_2mTpQzil0lOtps5Ei_z7mM7M8gCwe_AGpI53JxduQOaB5HkT5gVrv9cKu9CsW5MS6ZbqYXpGyOG5ehoxqm8DL5tFYaW3lB50ELxi0KsuTKEbD0t5BCl0aCR2MBJWAbN-xeLwEenaqBiwPVvKixYleeDQiBEIylFdNNIMviKRgXiYuAvMziVPbwSgkZVHeEdF5MQP1Oe2Spac-6IfA |
The header and payload parts of a JWT are just base64url-encoded JSON objects. The header contains metadata about the token itself, while the payload contains the actual “claims” about the user. For example, you can decode the payload from the token above to reveal the following claims:
1 | { |
In most cases, this data can be easily read or modified by anyone with access to the token. Therefore, the security of any JWT-based mechanism is heavily reliant on the cryptographic signature.
The server that issues the token typically generates the signature by hashing the header and payload. In some cases, they also encrypt the resulting hash. Either way, this process involves a secret signing key. This mechanism provides a way for servers to verify that none of the data within the token has been tampered with since it was issued:
JWT libraries typically provide one method for verifying tokens and another that just decodes them. For example, the Node.js library jsonwebtoken
has verify()
and decode()
Occasionally, developers confuse these two methods and only pass incoming tokens to the decode()
method. This effectively means that the application doesn’t verify the signature at all.
Lab1: JWT authentication bypass via unverified signature
首先,用已有的普通用户的账号密码登录,然后使用Burp Suite抓包可以知道Cookie中的Session存放着JWT。
由于Lab 1并没有验证signature部分,所以我们直接将sub
通过Burp Suite将Session的值替换,即可以达到以admin身份登录的效果。但是无法访问/admin目录,再将sub改为administrator即可,然后执行删除carlos的操作即可完成实验。
1 | /admin/delete?username=carlos |
Among other things, the JWT header contains an alg
parameter. This tells the server which algorithm was used to sign the token and, therefore, which algorithm it needs to use when verifying the signature.
1 | { |
This is inherently flawed because the server has no option but to implicitly trust user-controllable input from the token which, at this point, hasn’t been verified at all. In other words, an attacker can directly influence how the server checks whether the token is trustworthy.
JWTs can be signed using a range of different algorithms, but can also be left unsigned. In this case, the alg
parameter is set to none
, which indicates a so-called “unsecured JWT”. Due to the obvious dangers of this, servers usually reject tokens with no signature. However, as this kind of filtering relies on string parsing, you can sometimes bypass these filters using classic obfuscation techniques, such as mixed capitalization and unexpected encodings.
Lab2: JWT authentication bypass via flawed signature verification
同Lab 1一样,利用已知的账号密码登录获得Session中存的JWT,再对JWT进行修改即可。
Some signing algorithms, such as HS256 (HMAC + SHA-256), use an arbitrary, standalone string as the secret key. Just like a password, it’s crucial that this secret can’t be easily guessed or brute-forced by an attacker. Otherwise, they may be able to create JWTs with any header and payload values they like, then use the key to re-sign the token with a valid signature.
When implementing JWT applications, developers sometimes make mistakes like forgetting to change default or placeholder secrets. They may even copy and paste code snippets they find online, then forget to change a hardcoded secret that’s provided as an example. In this case, it can be trivial for an attacker to brute-force a server’s secret using a wordlist of well-known secrets.
Brute-forcing secret keys using hashcat
You just need a valid, signed JWT from the target server and a wordlist of well-known secrets. You can then run the following command, passing in the JWT and wordlist as arguments:
1 | hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 <jwt> <wordlist> |
Hashcat signs the header and payload from the JWT using each secret in the wordlist, then compares the resulting signature with the original one from the server. If any of the signatures match, hashcat outputs the identified secret in the following format, along with various other details:
1 | <jwt>:<identified-secret> |
Lab3: JWT authentication bypass via weak signing key
1 | hashcat -a 0 -m 16500 <jwt> <wordlist> |
-a 指 –attack-mode,0表示攻击模式中的Straight;-m 指 –hash-type,16500表示JWT。
最后在Burp Suite中修改Session中的JWT,以管理员身份访问到/admin目录,并删除用户carlos。
According to the JWS specification, only the alg
header parameter is mandatory. In practice, however, JWT headers (also known as JOSE headers) often contain several other parameters. The following ones are of particular interest to attackers.
(JSON Web Key) - Provides an embedded JSON object representing the key.jku
(JSON Web Key Set URL) - Provides a URL from which servers can fetch a set of keys containing the correct key.kid
(Key ID) - Provides an ID that servers can use to identify the correct key in cases where there are multiple keys to choose from. Depending on the format of the key, this may have a matching kid
parameter.As you can see, these user-controllable parameters each tell the recipient server which key to use when verifying the signature. In this section, you’ll learn how to exploit these to inject modified JWTs signed using your own arbitrary key rather than the server’s secret.
The JSON Web Signature (JWS) specification describes an optional jwk
header parameter, which servers can use to embed their public key directly within the token itself in JWK format.
A JWK (JSON Web Key) is a standardized format for representing keys as a JSON object.
You can see an example of this in the following JWT header:
1 | { |
Ideally, servers should only use a limited whitelist of public keys to verify JWT signatures. However, misconfigured servers sometimes use any key that’s embedded in the jwk
You can exploit this behavior by signing a modified JWT using your own RSA private key, then embedding the matching public key in the jwk
Lab4: JWT authentication bypass via jwk header injection
我们利用Burp Suite的JWT插件自动生成RSA公私钥对:
改为administrator,再点击Attack,使用Embedded JWT功能,Burp Suite会自动将刚才创建的公钥作为jwk添加到header中,将header中的kid和jwk中的kid改为一致,并且用私钥对header和payload进行加密生成signature。
Instead of embedding public keys directly using the jwk
header parameter, some servers let you use the jku
(JWK Set URL) header parameter to reference a JWK Set containing the key. When verifying the signature, the server fetches the relevant key from this URL.
A JWK Set is a JSON object containing an array of JWKs representing different keys. You can see an example of this below.
16 {
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "75d0ef47-af89-47a9-9061-7c02a610d5ab",
"n": "o-yy1wpYmffgXBxhAUJzHHocCuJolwDqql75ZWuCQ_cb33K2vh9mk6GPM9gNN4Y_qTVX67WhsN3JvaFYw-fhvsWQ"
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "d8fDFo-fS9-faS14a9-ASf99sa-7c1Ad5abA",
"n": "fc3f-yy1wpYmffgXBxhAUJzHql79gNNQ_cb33HocCuJolwDqmk6GPM4Y_qTVX67WhsN3JvaFYw-dfg6DH-asAScw"
JWK Sets like this are sometimes exposed publicly via a standard endpoint, such as /.well-known/jwks.json
More secure websites will only fetch keys from trusted domains, but you can sometimes take advantage of URL parsing discrepancies to bypass this kind of filtering.
Lab5: JWT authentication bypass via jku header injection
,jku是一个URL,定位一个JWK Set,该Set中存有密钥,服务器会根据此URL访问Set,并从Set中选取密钥进行验证(应该是根据kid
来达到Lab 4中插入JWT的效果。
具体步骤与Lab 4差不多,先将自己生成的公钥以JWT的形式复制下来,并保存至json文件,再使用某个url定位此json文件,然后将url插入header中的jku
附:但是在做的时候出现了一个问题,刚开始我把JWK部署在Github的静态个人博客上,但是这样一直没有成功,返回的数据都是401 Unauthorized。
但是使用Port Swigger自带的服务器就可以….
Port Swigger自带服务器返回的内容:
他们的Response内容都一样…..但是用Github的url就会失败,可能是因为Port Swigger下载下来的是html文件,而且内容为:
Servers may use several cryptographic keys for signing different kinds of data, not just JWTs. For this reason, the header of a JWT may contain a kid
(Key ID) parameter, which helps the server identify which key to use when verifying the signature.
Verification keys are often stored as a JWK Set. In this case, the server may simply look for the JWK with the same kid
as the token. However, the JWS specification doesn’t define a concrete structure for this ID - it’s just an arbitrary string of the developer’s choosing. For example, they might use the kid
parameter to point to a particular entry in a database, or even the name of a file.
If this parameter is also vulnerable to directory traversal, an attacker could potentially force the server to use an arbitrary file from its filesystem as the verification key.
1 | { |
This is especially dangerous if the server also supports JWTs signed using a symmetric algorithm. In this case, an attacker could potentially point the kid
parameter to a predictable, static file, then sign the JWT using a secret that matches the contents of this file.
You could theoretically do this with any file, but one of the simplest methods is to use /dev/null
, which is present on most Linux systems. As this is an empty file, reading it returns an empty string. Therefore, signing the token with a empty string will result in a valid signature.
这里的文件遍历漏洞,在我的理解下就是:服务器默认kid是存的数据(key)的路径,将kid作为路径去寻找密钥,而不是在JWT Set中比对。
,它存在于大多数 Linux 系统上。由于这是一个空文件,读取它会返回一个空字符串。因此,使用空字符串对令牌进行签名将得到有效的签名。
Lab6: JWT authentication bypass via kid header path traversal
服务器实际上从 /dev/null
读取的字符串就是 00
的十六进制表示。这是因为 /dev/null
是一个特殊设备,读取时返回的是一个空字符,其 ASCII 码值为 0(一个ASCII码字符对应一个字节),对应的十六进制表示就是 00
然后在Burp Suite中新生成一个对称密钥,生成后将”k”改为”AA==”:
因为JWT的key需要进过base64编码,而Base64 编码是将二进制数据按照每 3 个字节为一组进行处理,并转换为四个可打印字符组成的字符串。具体过程如下:
如果数据的长度不是 3 的倍数,则需要进行填充操作。填充通常使用 =
字符,以凑齐两个 6 位组。=
字符,以凑齐三个 6 位组。对于十六进制的00
来说,它被看作是一个具有 8 位的二进制数 00000000
,先将 00000000
拆分为两个 6 位的值:000000
和 00
;然后将这两个 6 位的值映射到 Base64 字符表中:000000
对应字符 A
对应字符 A
;最后,添加 Base64 的 padding 字符 =
The following header parameters may also be interesting for attackers:
(Content Type) - Sometimes used to declare a media type for the content in the JWT payload. This is usually omitted from the header, but the underlying parsing library may support it anyway. If you have found a way to bypass signature verification, you can try injecting a cty
header to change the content type to text/xml
or application/x-java-serialized-object
, which can potentially enable new vectors for XXE and deserialization attacks.x5c
(X.509 Certificate Chain) - Sometimes used to pass the X.509 public key certificate or certificate chain of the key used to digitally sign the JWT. This header parameter can be used to inject self-signed certificates, similar to the jwk
header injection attacks discussed above. Due to the complexity of the X.509 format and its extensions, parsing these certificates can also introduce vulnerabilities. Details of these attacks are beyond the scope of these materials, but for more details, check out CVE-2017-2800 and CVE-2018-2633.Even if a server uses robust secrets that you are unable to brute-force, you may still be able to forge valid JWTs by signing the token using an algorithm that the developers haven’t anticipated. This is known as an algorithm confusion attack.
Algorithm confusion attacks (also known as key confusion attacks) occur when an attacker is able to force the server to verify the signature of a JSON web token (JWT) using a different algorithm than is intended by the website’s developers. If this case isn’t handled properly, this may enable attackers to forge valid JWTs containing arbitrary values without needing to know the server’s secret signing key.
How do algorithm confusion vulnerabilities arise?
Algorithm confusion vulnerabilities typically arise due to flawed implementation of JWT libraries. Although the actual verification process differs depending on the algorithm used, many libraries provide a single, algorithm-agnostic method for verifying signatures. These methods rely on the alg
parameter in the token’s header to determine the type of verification they should perform.
The following pseudo-code shows a simplified example of what the declaration for this generic verify()
method might look like in a JWT library:
1 | function verify(token, secretOrPublicKey){ |
Problems arise when website developers who subsequently use this method assume that it will exclusively handle JWTs signed using an asymmetric algorithm like RS256. Due to this flawed assumption, they may always pass a fixed public key to the method as follows:
1 | publicKey = <public-key-of-server>; |
In this case, if the server receives a token signed using a symmetric algorithm like HS256, the library’s generic verify()
method will treat the public key as an HMAC secret. This means that an attacker could sign the token using HS256 and the public key, and the server will use the same public key to verify the signature.
注:用于签名的对称加密算法的密钥必须与服务器上存储的公钥完全相同。这包括使用相同的格式(例如 X.509 PEM)并保留任何非打印字符(例如换行符)。
Lab 7: JWT authentication bypass via algorithm confusion
服务器有时会通过映射到 /jwks.json 或 /.well-known/jwks.json 的标准端点将其公钥公开为 JWK对象。即使公钥没有被公开,但是我们也可以从一对JWT中进行提取(Lab 8的内容)。
我们将JWK Set中的公钥复制到Burp Suite中,生成一个RSA公钥对象。
但如果,服务器并没有把public key公开呢?
Lab 8: JWT authentication bypass via algorithm confusion with no exposed key
可以使用工具jwt_forger,他会使用我们提供的 JWT 来计算 n 的一个或多个潜在值。其中只有一个与服务器密钥使用的 n 值匹配,该程序就会将其保存为x509格式或者pkcs1格式的pem文件。这样就可以获得服务器的公钥,实施算法混淆攻击。
1 | jwt_forgery <token1> <token2> |
1 | root@ecdfab3005f4:/app# python3 jwt_forgery.py eyJraWQiOiIzZjRhZjRiMS1mY2M1LTQwZjUtODM4My02NGRmZjI3NGE0NDUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwb3J0c3dpZ2dlciIsInN1YiI6IndpZW5lciIsImV4cCI6MTY5MTE0MTQwMn0.Bl2KswJWpEeSRhAb03UiXq9-4a_Powo-bLTj1HD2nlEeu8uDGp2NhPeLRnMwq4hFtj8lW811nymxU3Q--Fig5hbuJhUh1wolTfir7CattvAmTRC-i88URUs-oIH6BvMYbbD0dNMhNt-9uaamJ413vh9GH6glojM1ph_Bg6awqLntoioyv_PV6VSA12x6NHKNMq-0bs2GAxOCBoHvFFuq5hBU5HYfCg8ExdXbewwqJjLRqnkwyjJ6lKf24iVbe7uiYrSH1wUQZl2_Q7Fu0ly7houPCBIkuJbAs0-YrAIvjKfNPKPZszXFceZysFYdi4u0oA0o-lbTcwnpm_juoYWvhw eyJraWQiOiIzZjRhZjRiMS1mY2M1LTQwZjUtODM4My02NGRmZjI3NGE0NDUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJwb3J0c3dpZ2dlciIsInN1YiI6IndpZW5lciIsImV4cCI6MTY5MTE0MTY2Mn0.CPrJ7dQEg-rVuHNrtHdHJfiUkxwnT7UmY8B_NMqlS2RutXG9BGtkHy-pMc9QS7twcUnw9zv0Hfvf49bAcUb7wFgQ53SPB9r5OsuRw0BwPuxJVheoGCSbvdeW6tD8PivV5yqDEJOnkaYuxFYeaeIs85YxusgRj_OnKlWvhROICAE7kYe7RnLzrYX3_WiU-bIWT-WMEWcr1FwK2RF7DWb48DF0W-gETdl-n2AYiEsa2VbSHnt2vH4gvBVjNPxLr7IuTEYHr7H-S2YDN4-0p6TBcKnkoaJzTYSt1XWnsYbnyjq0kmzEDaToaA7cPGkNvWAmZzD_NBNm2mQry_S4VknKzA |